Monday 8 February 2010


When you decide to paint a room (incidentally ... I have never, ever done that) you get a set of charts and try to choose the colour you want. You choose from the vast array before you and eventually decide ... but you do have a vast array to choose from.

In making the decisions about using the technologies to enhance teaching and learning what does your personal 'chooser chart' look like?

For example ... you all know about Google don't you ...

How do you know what you don't don't and how do you find out?

What does your personal learning network look like and how do you grow it?

Are you tethered by your geography?

Hard questions ...

Collaborative Learning Networks

From the Clever Sheet via Twitter (my thanks for this)

While each of us has an individualized way of interacting with co-learning colleagues, Dave Cormier's recent post and intermittent tweets have led me to regard the term Personal Learning Network as slightly 'oxymoronic'. My contributions to a group experience might be qualified as 'personal', but I would never use the word as an adjective to describe a team, a committee, or a class to which I belong. Maybe it's time to reconsider the use of the term PLN?

Personalized Learning & Participation
Each person's learning network is certainly unique. The tools we use to interact with our networks are chosen to suit our personal tastes, and the types of information we share among our colleagues varies widely; but the name we've come to accept for this inter-connected learning: Personal Learning Network, implies individual ownership and control.

Whether or not you subscribe to the theory of Connectivism, you likely realize that our networks are chaotic and self-organizing all at the same time.

A Collaborative Learning Network

The value in any learning network comes from the contributions of many individuals. No one member has ownership of the group, or of the work that's been collaboratively developed. Additionally, it's clear that if any one person fails to add value, then the net results are less striking.

Some key questions ...

Do you have a Personal Learning Network?
Do you have a Collaborative Learning Network? or
Do you have something different?

Are your children/students building PLNs and CLNs?
Are you helping them to do this?
How is the technology you have or will have this expanding this horizon?
Are your pupils tethered by their geography ?... their world will flatten and flatten

What do they know that you don't and how is your vision taking this into consideration?
Who are the teachers and who are the learners?
Is it always one or the other and how do the spaces created take this into account?
Is your school a building or a community?
How far does the community family extend its support?

And what tools do other educators use?

View more documents from Jane Hart.

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